There’s plenty to do since only 9 days left till we should get on the way. For any hackathon, the most important ingredient is hackers (duh!), so currently I’m focusing on getting people interested in this event, if we have a good crowd, everything else will almost take care of itself (I imagine/hope).
Application form
Very important: To apply, please fill out the application form at, and pass the address on to others who are interested as well. It’s not enough to just click “join” on the Facebook event page.
So far I’m reaching out directly to different groups as well, for example the Startup Weekend Taipei folks we had an awesome event with two weeks ago, and to the Open Source Developers’ Conference OSDC.TW people who seem very well suited for this. Any more ideas who to approach? Just leave me a message, any feedback is appreciated.
Other things
Things to take care of at the moment:
- Find technical mentors / judges
- Find technical sponsors
- Figure out catering (pizza+coffee, anyone?)
- Set up infrastructure, tools for the day
- Get a timetable for the day
- Let the event info out to the media to build some buzz
At least the venue I don’t have to worry about, AppWorks kindly let us use their inclubator space, should be nice, downtown Taipei.